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- AmigArc - Archive utility, Version 0.16, created on 07/17/86 at 19:01
- Compatible with ARC v5.0
- (C) COPYRIGHT 1986 by Raymond S. Brand; ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
- (C) COPYRIGHT 1985,86 by System Enhancement Associates; ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
- Please refer all inquiries to:
- Raymond S. Brand
- c/o The Lido Hotel (a Fido BBS, node 16/630)
- (203) 248-7324
- or AMuse (a Fido BBS, node 107/134)
- (212) 269-4879
- Hello,
- AmigArc v0.16 is a version of ARC v5.0 ported to the Amiga. As such, it
- can perform all of the normal ARC commands on '.ARC' files (for information
- on ARC commands, find a copy of ARC.DOC).
- Changes for version 0.16:
- 1) No noteworthy (none were reported!) bugs were fixed in this release
- and some of the code was cleaned up, and error reports now go to
- stderr instead of stdout.
- 2) The "time-out" has been removed.
- Known bugs remaining:
- 1) There is a bug (at least one) in the RAM: disk handler in AmigaDos so
- please do NOT operate on ".ARC" files resident on the RAM: disk.
- 2) Searches of directories with many entries is very time consuming. I am
- told that the 1.2 release of AmigaDos will have some form of buffering
- mechanism to fix this.
- 3) The NOT operator for wild card matching does not always work. The fix
- looks to be a major rewrite of the WCmatch routines (sigh...).
- 4) Files are still not 'dated' correctly when extracted due to an
- AmigaDos shortcoming.
- Items of Note:
- 1) The Run command will NOT be supported.
- 2) The current version uses the MS DOS '.ARC' file structure. This means
- that file names should follow MS DOS conventions. The next version will
- be able to use the full AmigaDos filenames, and will have an MS DOS
- compatibility option.
- 3) Wild Cards are permitted in the filename portion of the template, but
- NOT in the path. The Wild Card scheme used is:
- /*
- * WCmatch: Function to determine if the first string matches
- * the template in the second string. If the third parameter
- * is zero then case does NOT matter.
- *
- * Returns:
- * 1 if string matches template.
- * 0 if string does NOT match template.
- * Any other value indicates a template syntax error.
- *
- * 19860308 Raymond S. Brand
- *
- * Version 0.08
- *
- * The following describes the syntax of a valid template.
- * Items in braces ('{' and '}') may be repeated zero or more times.
- *
- * <template> := <AGroup>
- *
- * <AGroup> := <PGroup>{&<PGroup>} 'AND'
- *
- * <PGroup> := <LGroup>{|<LGroup>} 'OR'
- *
- * <Group> := <LGroup>{|<LGroup>} 'or'
- *
- * <LGroup> := <SGroup>{<SGroup>} 'Match-String'
- *
- * <SGroup> := (<Group>) 'grouping'
- * := % 'End-of-Name'
- * := ^<SGroup> 'NOT'
- * := <Literal1>
- * := ? 'Any-Character'
- * := #<SGroup><MGroup> 'Zero-or-More Followed-By'
- * := *<MGroup> 'Zero-or-More-of-Any-Character'
- * := [<EnumList>] 'Enumeration-List'
- *
- * <MGroup> := <LGroup>
- * :=
- *
- * <EnumList> := <EnumPart>{,<EnumPart>}
- *
- * <EnumPart> := <Literal2>
- * := <Literal2>-<Literal2> 'All-Characters-From To'
- *
- * <Literal1> := <any printing character except:
- * '#', '%', '^', '&', '*', '(', ')', '|', '\', '[',
- * ']' and '?'>
- * := \<any printing character including the above>
- *
- * <Literal2> := <any printing character except:
- * '\', '[', ']', '-' and ','>
- * := \<any printing character including the above>
- *
- *
- * NOTES:
- * The 'AND' and the 'OR' functions have an implicit 'End-of-Name'
- * function before their respective operators.
- * The 'or' function moves the internal name pointer just past the
- * first match that it finds.
- * The second form of <EnumPart> matches the current name character
- * if the first literal is less than or equal to the current name
- * character, and the current name character is less than or equal
- * to the second literal. Or if the first literal is less than the
- * current name character, or the current name character is less
- * than the second literal when the first literal is greater than
- * the second literal. An <EnumPart> will never match the name
- * terminator. e.g. 'a-f' will match 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e' and
- * 'f'; Whereas, 'f-a' will match all characters except 'a', 'b',
- * 'c', 'd', 'e' and 'f'.
- * The '*' operator is equivalent to '#?'.
- */
- 4) This is a beta test version, please keep backups of all important
- files. If you experience a problem or bug in the program, please send
- me a message describing what you were doing and what happened (be
- specific) at:
- The Lido Hotel (a Fido BBS)
- (203) 248-7324 (Ct.)
- (where I try to 'check in' everyday)
- Amuse (a Fido BBS)
- (212) 269-4879 (NYC)
- (where I will try to login at least once a week)
- 5) Do NOT bother System Enhancement Associates about this program. They
- have little to do with the Amiga version of ARC.
- 6) Real documentation will become available at the release of the
- production version of AmigArc.
- 7) Suggestions, comments, criticisms, etc. are welcome and encouraged.
- 8) This version of AmigArc does not have a "timeout" but please try to
- always use the latest version available.
- 9) For the latest version of AmigArc check the Lido Hotel or Amuse.
- 10) To speed compression, ASSIGN ARCTEMP: RAM:
- 11) The correct file size for AmigArc.015 is 63032 bytes.
- Raymond S. Brand